Parish School of Religion (PSR)

Our PSR program provides religious formation and education to public school students in kindergarten through eighth grade. PSR helps children to learn and understand Jesus Christ and our Catholic Faith. The program is held jointly among Blessed Sacrament, Our Lady Queen of Peace and St. Henry Catholic churches. Classes are held at St. Henry.

PSR volunteers should have a love for children and for sharing their faith. Some educational experience preferred but not required. Time commitment is September through April, 3-4 hours per week, every Sunday.

Contact Person: Kim Ahrens at 618-398-5638 or [email protected]

Adult Faith Formation

The Adult Faith Formation Committee helps adult parishioners as they seek to expand their faith. Volunteers are needed to help coordinate these activities.

Contact person: Greg Nowak at 314-479-6197 or [email protected]

Bible Study

Study various books of the Bible, one at a time, in a small group setting. The group chooses a different book for each session. The Little Rock Scripture Study program is the basis of the discussions. Study materials are available. No reservations are needed. Time commitment varies.

Contact person: Greg Nowak at 314-479-6197 or [email protected]

Become a Catholic

The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) provides support for individuals wishing to join the Catholic Church.  It is a process during which an individual explores the Catholic faith through prayer, discussion of what the Church teaches and Scripture study.  The sessions, held weekly beginning September, help prepare the individual to fully commit to the Catholic Church by receiving the sacrament of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation at the Easter Vigil.

Contact Person: Greg Nowak at 314-479-6197 or [email protected]