Having trouble remembering your Sunday collection envelope? Simplify the process by setting up a weekly online donation direct from your bank account.
Online giving is a convenient way to provide consistent financial support to your parish and school through weekly Sunday donations, parish improvement funds, annual fund campaigns, local ministries, and memorial and bequests.
Click on the links below to donate to your parish:
Make a Donation to Blessed Sacrament Make a Donation to Our Lady Queen of PeacePlanned Giving
Including your parish in your estate planning is a wonderful way to give back and support the future of your parish. Contact the parish office at 618-397-2287 for more information.
Diocesan Financial Fraud Hotline: 1-866-712-5177
Second Collection
Monies collected during the Second Collection at each of the Masses will be ear marked for a school or parish improvement project. Each month, a different project will be chosen. Checks can be made out to a specific parish and all cash will be divided equally between Blessed Sacrament and Queen of Peace. For more information, contact the Parish Office at 618-397-2287.
January – Filling Cracks on Parking Lots and Ice & Snow Removal
February – Painting the Classrooms
During Lent – St. Vincent DePaul
May – BS collection for their Sister Parish, QP collection for their St. Vincent de Paul