Wedding Policies Blessed Sacrament/Queen of Peace   revised January 2024

The People of God at Blessed Sacrament and Queen of Peace Catholic Churches rejoice at your interest in being married in the Catholic Church. We promise our prayerful support for you as you prepare for married life.

Wedding Inquiry. The first step in the preparation for marriage is the completion of the Initial Inquiry Form. That form may be reached at this web address: After you complete the form, you should receive a quick automatic response. Within three to five days, the couple should receive a response from the pastor to confirm the date for the wedding.

Preparation. For every sacrament, the Church expects and provides careful preparation. For the vocation of marriage, we believe the best preparation is considering the sacramental aspects of marriage and the importance of having discussed key topics, with healthy agreement between the husband and wife. The steps for marriage preparation include:

1) Inquiry form mentioned above
2) Initial meeting with the pastor
3) Meetings with a Sponsor Couple (or a Pre-Cana weekend)
4) Formation in Natural Family Planning
5) Planning meeting with the Organist to plan music
6) A legal marriage license must be obtained.
7) Planning meeting with the officiant (priest or deacon)

Wedding Time. Weddings generally begin on Saturday afternoons at 1:00 or 1:30. Other times, including a Friday evening wedding, may be negotiated with the pastor. The wedding rehearsal is typically on the evening before the wedding at 5:00PM at the church. Facilities for dressing at the church are minimal; we recommend that the wedding party arrive dressed and ready for the wedding.

Fees and Donations. The suggested fee for the use of the church is $500.00 for active parish families/individuals.
For non-parishioners, the fee is $2,500.

Additional fees:
– Organist        $200.00 minimum
– Cantor           $  50.00 minimum

You may choose to give an honorarium to the priest or deacon who officiates. If the priest or deacon is from another diocese, they must obtain a letter of suitability from their chancery. In that case, the couple should consult with him about expenses for coverage in his regular assignment and travel expenses.

Secular Customs. The use of birdseed, rice, ribbons, balloons or other similar items is prohibited. Releasing birds is not permitted on church property. Blowing bubbles on the front steps of the church is discouraged. Flower girls may carry in flowers but should not throw petals. Ring bearers may carry in ceremonial rings on a pillow, but the best man or groom should be in possession of the actual rings. Children are not to be brought up the aisle in wagons. No one is permitted to carry in signs in the procession. The consumption of alcohol before the wedding is prohibited, particularly on parish property. Unity candles are permitted; other newer customs (sand, knot, etc.) are not.

Liturgical Ministers. At a wedding Mass, Lectors must be Catholic, competent readers. If the wedding is not a Mass, other Christian believers may read.  A competent Catholic cantor is required and must be familiar with the Roman Catholic Mass and Marriage Rite.

The Procession. Generally, the wedding party walks up the aisle, after grandparents and parents, two-by-two from the rear of the pews. The Gloria is required during Wedding Masses.

Wedding Liturgy Planning. Music during the service must be sacred liturgical music. The pastor reserves the right to approve all music used before or after the worship service even if a visiting celebrant will be presiding.

Approved guest musicians are permitted if they meet competency requirements of musical and liturgical knowledge. They will have to meet with the Director of Liturgy to demonstrate their ability to play the music required before programs are printed. Because of their volume, bagpipes are only allowed outside.

Decorations.  Decorations must be tasteful and nothing may be on the altar or altar rail. The church calls for flowers and plants to be real, not plastic or silk, for decoration. Their use as bouquets is acceptable. Seasonal church decorations may not be moved and any decorations brought in must be removed at the end of the ceremony or they will be considered the property of the parish. The use of nails, tape, or glue is not allowed on the pews. Any use of flowers and decoration during the seasons of Advent and Lent is prohibited.

Recorders. Photographers and videographers must check to make sure that any additional lighting does not interfere with the musicians and they are not allowed in the sanctuary during the service. Please inform photographers that they will not have access to the building until two hours before the ceremony and pictures at Blessed Sacrament must be finished by 3:15 p.m.


Very Rev. Godfrey Mullen, OSB
[email protected]

Mr. Rusty Asbury
Director of Liturgy
[email protected]

Mrs. Donna Lee
Wedding Coordinator
[email protected]